From the Farm

Happy Thanksgiving!

Winter season offerings:

-Frozen summer roasting chicken (whole bird), 3-5lbs. $5/lb

-Frozen stew hens. $15 each

-Winter eggs from cozy chickens! $5/dozen at the farm. Our farm shop is closed for the winter season, but we have our self-serve egg cooler out on the front porch of the farmhouse. Cash, check, or Paypal ( are all welcome payment methods at the egg cooler.

-Frozen USDA spring lamb cuts, tentative date of availability: November 30th. Due to high demand and limited processing options in WA state for USDA cuts, our reservation to take our lambs has been bumped out and may continue to be bumped out. I will share updates as I have new information! Stay tuned!

If you feel passionate about buying meat raised on small farms I highly recommend sending a quick email to your government representatives letting them know! Legislation has been repeatedly presented in Olympia to solve our processing problems and help small farms in a way that keeps direct to consumer meat safe for shoppers, but WA leadership has not taken action on the proposed bills. This problem will only continue to grow as demand for local food grows! There is also a national movement to create these laws at the federal level. Read more:

If you are interested in coming by the farm to purchase any of our frozen meat items, call or text 505.379.3856 to make sure we are home to help you!

Argotourism at Hollyhock Farm!

This summer we worked on building a trail system and clearing a couple areas to use for primitive camp spots at the farm. The trails and campsites are accessed by a small graveled parking area separate from the main farm. Campers can choose from two primitive camp clearings or our camp-cabin, a tiny cabin that Phil built over the summer. Camp spots at Hollyhock Farm can be booked through HipCamp. According to King County and WA state guidelines, we do not expect our campers to wear masks within their group while camping at the farm, however should we need to have any interactions with campers we ask that masks are worn. The campsites are well away from the farm and all farm activity, so campers can feel comfortable connecting with our natural areas in whatever manner that makes them feel safe.


Links for campsite booking:

Phil’s video series of cabin building:

In addition to camping, we welcome families to come out and have a small tour and visit our farm animals! Treats for animals are welcome (including Halloween pumpkins and cleaned off Christmas trees and greenery!). Call or text to make an appointment: 505.379.3856.

Because farm life lends itself well to being socially distanced, we have signed onto the ‘All Clear King County Pledge’! When you visit our farm you can trust that we will respect social distancing guidelines, wear masks, and accept the forms of payment that you are comfortable with. As we are a food-related business, cleanliness and sanitation practices are important to us, and we will continue to do our best to keep our spaces clean and neat. Customers are asked to wear masks while conducting business at the farm. Check out all the great options for safely visiting and supporting small business during this time of pandemic:



Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

-Jen and Phil



Previous Farm Updates

Winter 2025

January 18, 2025

Summer 2024

August 6, 2024

Spring 2024

May 26, 2024

Hollyhock Farm

December 2, 2023

Hollyhock Farm News

July 26, 2023

From the Farm

August 17, 2022

From the Farm

April 25, 2022

From the Farm

April 20, 2022

From the Farm

March 23, 2022

From the Farm

December 9, 2021

Updates From the Farm

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Farm Shop at the Farm

March - November

Sat & Sun 9am - 5pm


27311 NE 116th St.
Duvall WA 98019
(get directions)