Latest News from Our Farm:
It’s the middle of the winter here on the farm. This is the time that we rest, recharge, and get all those projects done that get put on hold during the busy farm season. Also pruning! The Farm Shop is still open Saturdays and Sundays, 9am-dusk. Eggs: We have a limited quantity of eggs right now. The hens slow way down on laying over the winter. However, as we move towards spring, they will steadily increase production. In the meantime, come early for your best shot at eggs. Meat: We have gotten back our fall harvest of lamb and goat.…
Welcome to the Farm
Hollyhock Farm raises a variety of animals using ethical methods that work with nature for the health of our farm and surrounding forests lands. With our work towards healthy pastures and plant diversity we are able to give Seattle’s Eastside options for superior meats from a local semi-urban farm.