Whats at the Farm this Week (June 5)

We are winding down from spring and easing into summer here on the farm. I will be setting up the farm-kid pool this week. The baby geese are starting to get their flight feathers, and the baby lambs born in March are already almost as tall as their mothers! I can be hard to tell which are which when they are out on the field at this point. We continue our field rotation with the sheep/goat herd and laying hens, and anticipate our next chicken slaughter, which is tentatively set for the last weekend in June.
Congratulations to all the 2020 graduates! You made it!
Farm shop 6/6+6/7
Saturday and Sunday 8-5

This week:

  • Radishes
  • Salad mix
  • Kale
  • Turkey backs for stews
  • Ground lamb
  • Flower from Wild Canary farm
  • Herb bunches
  • Soaps and Jams from Growing Things farm
….and more! Limited chicken eggs available – first come, first served! I’m still waiting for my group of young hens to start laying.
In addition, we will have fresh duck eggs from Hearth and Haven farm.
See you this weekend!

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Farm Shop at the Farm

March - November

Sat & Sun 9am - 5pm


27311 NE 116th St.
Duvall WA 98019
(get directions)