Local is the name if the game once the growing season has kicked off. I often work with other farms and make trades to have the best variety of seasonal foods for my family! Dinner tonight includes a chicken/duck egg frittata with broccoli, goat cheese from my goats, garlic, parmesan, and cherry tomatoes. Salad mix from our farm with salad turnips and some toppings to entice children.
This week at our farm:
Limited chicken eggs!
Salad mix!
Dinosaur kale
Red globe radishes
Duck eggs – the best! (Hearth and Haven farm)
Flower bouquets and edible flower clamshells! (Wild Canary farm)
Culinary herb bunches
Bok choy
Soaps and Jams (Growing Things farm)
One pound tubes of ground lamb (frozen)
Whole giant turkey!
Lamb heart packs, lamb kidney packs
…and more!
Next fresh chicken: June 27th&28th
Next lamb chops: July4th!
27311 NE 116th St, Duvall
Saturday 8-3 (Due to graduation celebrations!)
Sunday 8-5